Anti Cellulite Slimming Massage Oil

The Indie Earth Anti Cellulite Slimming Massage Oil

Cellulite – Everyone has it (mainly women); No matter how fat or skinny you are. Cellulite has nothing to do with the size of the body. It is the result of dermatological fat which is skin-protruding into the dermis i.e.the layer of skin just below the epidermis (the outermost layer). As the size of fat cells intensifies, the connective tissue inside this layer gets weaker and fat lumps out through it; making the skin appear dimpled.

Most of the women are in pursuit to get these dimples off the skin. Based on several studies, almost 85 percent of women over the age of 20 have cellulite around thighs, butts, upper arms, and belly. The remaining 10 percent are those, who have got thicker skin like men. Thicker layers of skin are harder for fat to push through to the dermis.

There are several things that may cause cellulite such as


  • Poor diet
  • Excess dieting
  • Slow metabolism
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Hormone changes
  • Dehydration
  • Total body fat
  • Age

Contemporary Treatment usually mixes massage, liposuction, or light therapy. It can liquefy fat, cut connective tissue to loosen crumpling. But these are quite expensive treatments and may cause pain, tenderness, or bruising on the treated areas.

Now, enough of what cellulite is and how it appears; let’s talk of the solution.

Is there any way to get rid of it, without any side effects?


The answer is yes! There are several herbs in nature such as Cinnamon, Jaiphal, Black Pepper, Amarnath, Saunf and Juniper Oil Sea Buckthorn etc. which have shown positive effects in reducing cellulite to great extent. Additionally, there are many essential oils such as Grapefruit oil, Lemon oil, Grapeseed oil, Juniper oil, Rosemary oil, Vegetable Squalene, Jojoba Oil, Cypress oil, Lavender essential oil, Tangerine essential oil, Fennel essential oil, Lime essential oil, Clary Sage essential oil and Eucalyptus oil, which provide deep warmth to the skin and melts away the cellulite.

The Indie Earth Anti Cellulite Slimming Massage Oil comes loaded with 31+ Powerful Natural Herbs, Extracts, premium Oils & Essential Oils. This oil helps in fighting unwanted layers of cellulite on the skin. It easily gets absorbed into the skin and does not feel sticky at all. You can experience elastic and toned skin. In order to see the visible results, use the oil for at least 2-3 months.

This oil can be used alone to dissolve cellulite. It is designed to target the tummy, legs, hips, thighs and arms.

There are two ways you can use this oil on the affected area


  1. Massage: Apply the oil about 5cc on damp skin after taking a shower to lock in the moisture. Start with one area then slowly spread out the oil. Massage thoroughly for 10-15 min. there is no need to wash off the oil as it gets absorbed into the skin. For Optimal Results, apply it at night and let it stay on the skin overnight.
  2. Cocoon (the wrap method): Apply an appropriate amount onto the affected body parts or targeted areas. Cover the part with plastic wrap. Let it sit and sit in a warm area for 30-40 min, then remove the oil. Although this effect of this method is faster but sometimes, it’s difficult to sit in warm environment. Therefore, you can choose the method that is convenient for you.

Enriched with wonderful premium oils and extracts, The Indie Earth Anti Cellulite Slimming Massage Oil is extremely safe and effective. Give yourself a spa-like treatment at home with this aromatic oil.


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