Purchases are shipped from our respective warehouse from India by reputed logistics service providers. Please allow following number of days for delivery from receipt of your order.

  • For The U.S.A orders– All U.S.A. orders are processed within 1 business day (except for Public Holidays & Sundays). You can expect delivery of the order within 4-7 business days.
    • We offer free international shipping for all orders of value 40 US$ and above. For orders of less than 40 US$, there is a flat shipping charge of 7 US$.
  • ORDER DELIVERIES WILL BE MADE BETWEEN 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday – Saturday. Excluding public holidays

Shipping Charges

• For USA Orders: We offer free international shipping for all orders of value 40 US$ and above. For orders of less than 40 US$, there is a flat shipping charge of 7 US$.

Returns and Refunds

At The Indie Earth, we strive to give you the very best shopping experience possible. However, considering that opened or damaged products cannot be reused, we cannot accept exchange or return of opened or used products once sold or delivered.
• The Indie Earth is not responsible for any damage caused after delivery.
• In case of receiving damaged product in shipping. All you need to do is email us at connect@theindieearth.com or message us at +1(437)747 7247 (WhatsApp Only) within 24 hours of delivery along with your order id, images of package and product.
• Returns and exchanges requests will be subject to checking and vetting by The Indie Earth.

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