
How to get rid of Stretch Marks Naturally?

Why do Stretch marks occur?

Stretch marks are common occurrences that are experienced since adolescence through adulthood. When explained technically, stretch marks are scars. They happen when your skin is stretched out a lot in a short period of time. In this process, collagen in the skin ruptures and thus, leaving the marks behind as it heals.

When such marks are new on the body, they may be pink, red, or purple and eventually, these marks may turn white or brown. These marks commonly develop around the stomach, hips, and upper arms, however, they can occur anywhere the skin is affected.

It is in the control of the hormones and genetics whether you’ll get stretch marks or not. The stretch marks are commonly observed after a growth spurt (during puberty), significant muscle growth, pregnancy, or significant weight loss or gain.

Even though stretch marks are permanent, they tend to fade away over time, the earlier you begin to treat stretch marks, the less noticeable these marks will be. One of the ways which make sense to prevent stretch marks is – moisturizing the stretched skin.

Castor Oil and its Benefits for Treating Stretch marks


Castor-Oil-BenefitsCastor oil is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. This oil is used in a variety of cosmetics because it has the benefits of anticaking, cleansing, and emulsifying effects. The oil is also popular for its moisturizing effects.

Castor oil is rich in mono-saturated fat, a type of ‘healthy’ fat that we can consume. For the skin, mono-saturated fat helps to balance out moisture and offers extra conditioning effects. This prevents the stretch marks from drying out and thus, makes it look more obvious over time.

The oil also offers antioxidant benefits that help to prevent free radicals from causing skin damage.

Castor oil is used for the treatment of acne, age spots, ringworm, dry skin, and so on.

How to Use Castor Oil for Stretch Marks


Getting rid of stretch marks can be quite a tedious task for those who have no idea what to do to clear it. This may end up with people wasting their resources for noting. In such a case, resorting to natural products work out the best.

Since castor oil has amazing benefits to hair and skin, here are a few ways you can try to treat scratch marks.

Warm Castor Oil

Using castor oil is one of the simplest ways to treat stretch marks. It provides your skin with moisture, which helps to clear these common occurrences. The antioxidants in the oil help to restore skin cells to a better state.

Warm castor oil yields better benefits than cold castor oil because warm oil helps the skin to absorb its nutrients better.

Heat the castor oil and apply it to the affected area and massage for five to ten minutes. You can leave the oil overnight or wash it after an hour of applying it. Repetition of this process will make you notice a change in your skin.

Castor Oil and Coconut Oil

The combination of castor oil and coconut oil will help you to make those stretch marks disappear. This mixture will help you to moisturize your skin and improve its glow as well.

This is all you got to do – Mix one tbsp of both the oils each and heat it. Massage the mixture onto the affected area and leave it overnight. You need to repeat this process every day to yield the best results.

Aloe Vera and Castor Oil

There is no secret in the amazing effects of aloe vera on the skin. Aloe vera stimulates the fibroblasts to produce more collagen. Furthermore, the production of collagen reduces the appearance of stretch marks.

What you got to do is mix one tbsp. each of aloe vera gel and castor oil. Heat the mixture and apply and massage onto the affected area. You can either leave it overnight or remove it after an hour or so. This process needs to be done daily to see the results.

Things to Keep in Mind



  • Castor Oil may cause an allergic reaction – Studies have indicated that castor oil can cause redness and irritation. It is better to exercise caution – do a patch test to determine if it irritates your skin.
  • Castor Oil is Comedogenic – Some studies indicate that castor oil may contain comedones that may block the skin pores. This can cause the development of acne-like bumps in the affected area.

Bottom Line

The Indie Earth offers 100% pure cold pressed premium grade Castor oil, without any additions or adulterations. Regular use of The Indie Earth Castor Oil may prove to be helpful in reduce the appearance of stretch marks with long-term use.

You must not expect overnight. You need to be patient and consult the doctor if necessary (especially if you are prone to allergic reactions)

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