

Complete Guide to Use Skin Toner-

What is a Skin toner? The question might be straight forward but still a little tough to answer. Skin toner is generally made up of natural components such as essential oils and water. Although toners too like every other thing have been made with chemicals they are also the ones that may give you side effects.

There is an easy way to look at it. The thing which is a mixture of Natural Oils and water is a toner and is applied to the skin directly is called toner. Depending on the kind of toner, additional things like antioxidants, acids, and glycerin is also can be present in them. Nowadays, even anti-inflammatory toners are present in the market.

Now that you know what a toner is, the next question raised is why you should use one. The answer to this can be looked at by seeing the benefits of having a skincare routine in which a toner is a major player. Some of the benefits are listed here that you can enjoy when you start to use a Skin toner.

1. No more skin breakouts


The pores in the skin generally get clogged due to the oils, sweat, pollution and the result of all this is a breakout of skin. Other problems that arise due to this are pimples and acne that you leave you frustrated for obvious reasons. Toners help here in removing the excess of oil and other impurities off your skin. Thereby, preventing all these possible Skin Problems and making you look the best you can.

2. Say no to dry skin


Your skin sometimes might have been dry after using a Face Wash or a Cleanser. Now, there are many reasons this could happen but the major one is the incompatibility of the face wash or soap you are using. To avoid this problem you should use Toners which are basically calibrated to the type of skin you are having. The pH level of a good toner is not only the best for your skin but it also helps in keeping the skin healthy.

3. Keep your skin hydrated


This is probably the most important reason why people are inclined towards using a Skin Toner. The toner generally finds a place when the cleansing has been performed and the moisturizing is pending. The nourishment and hydration really do benefit your skin if the skin is relaxed and the toner is present to ensure that it stays relaxed.

4. Ensure no harm from dirt and pollution


One of the things that toner does is tighten the pores that are present on the skin. Now, as the size of the pores is reduced, the dirt and other impurities getting in the skin are less. Also, oil and sweat are also cannot get into the skin as easily they could before. All these toxic substances getting blocked from getting in the skin results in smoother and healthy skin.

Now that you know the benefits, let us look at some of the ways to use the skin toners.

  • First of all, wash your face and do use a cleanser if you want. Try to use a mild one that suits your skin. Usually, herbal cleansers are free from sulfates and are gentle the skin. These cleaners help in retaining the natural moisture of the skin.
  • Massage your face gently with the help of your fingers. This will help in getting rid of the dirt and impurities that your skin caught during the day.
  • Now you can use a gentle pad or a little cotton rolled into a ball and put some toner on it. Try not to use the toner less or more than required. The Indie Earth Toners come in the spray bottles which are easy to apply and spread over evenly.
  • Now use the pad or cotton to wipe your skin gently in a particular way. If using strokes in a particular direction, stay with the flow.
  • Now that you have used the toner, you can carry on with your skincare routine. For effective caring of the skin, you can use a moisturizer after using the toner.

Toners are available for every type of skin and that is where this product helps. If you have a normal to dry skin, the toner will help you resist wrinkles and skin aging. Also, redness of the skin is reduced when a toner for his particular skin type is used. For normal to oily skin type, the toner can help in balancing the skin, so that the glow of the skin remains intact. So there we have it, the toners will help you in getting your face the Natural Skin at all times.

The Indie Earth Skin Toners are aimed at giving you fresh-looking skin all the time. All the toners are formulated using the highest quality natural raw material and are completely free from Chemicals.

Give your skin that Instant Glow

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